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                           27 Help systems

 The following systems and persons can be contacted if you have
 problems or questions regarding FrontDoor. You will most likely
 find the latest noncommercial version on these systems as well.

     Bruce Bodger        1:1/101         USA
     Mark Howard         1:260/1         USA
     Mats Wallin         2:201/329       Sweden (Europe, Main)
     Stig Jacobsen       2:231/16        Denmark
     Lars Eriksson       2:222/150       Finland
     Zbigniew Borowiec   2:480/6         Poland
     Sascha Vogt         2:310/5         Austria
     Ulrich Bartelt      2:24/4          Germany
     Mark Kerr           2:263/301       Ireland
     Michael Bravo       2:50/200        USSR
     Peter Janssens      2:512/1         Netherlands
     Orlando Castillo    2:346/4         Spain
     Patrick Oetiker     2:30/5          Switzerland
     Nick Parker         2:253/165       United Kingdom
     David Nugent        3:3/101         Australia
     Ricardo Sandor      4:4/104         Latin America
     Ralph Colyn         5:5/103         RSA
     Larry Leong         6:6/101         Asia

 The above people are NOT responsible for helping you with commercial
 queries and/or problem.

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